- In the August 2006 issue of "JAZZIZ" which happens to be their "guitar issue," they offer a special 'promo' CD sampler to which Steve contributed "El Viñón." In addition, Bill Meredith conducted a most interesting version of 20 Questions with Steve, and you can now read the unedited version here at the site.
- Steve's first interview related to "THE GREEN FIELD" was conducted by Todd Whitesel and hit the stands with a February 17th, 2006[Issue #667] publication date in GOLDMINE. You can read the unedited interview right here at the site: GOLDMINE INTERVIEW. We hope that everyone enjoys it.
- Souvik Dutta contacted Steve and conducted another terrific interview about the new CD which you can read at his site: Abstract Logix.
- DJ Conrad Mason, who broadcasts via the internet, just interviewed Steve and posted the text of the interview online for all to read. You can access the interview, right here: live365.com.
- Si tu idioma principal es el Español, te gustará leer una nueva entrevista con Steve conducida por Felipe Díaz Reyes, que aparece en un ejemplar de la conocida revista de música de España, "Cuadernos de Jazz". Estamos seguros de que la vas a disfrutar.
- A new column, "In the Artist's Own Words" was just launched by allaboutjazz.com and the very first feature is STEVE'S PERSONAL REFLECTIONS on all the tunes from "THE GREEN FIELD." Originally written to give some personal and historical perspective for what were to be the Japanese liner notes, it is now hoped that everyone can benefit from reading all that went into this recording.
- You might want to read the first terrific REVIEW of the new CD, by John Kelman of allaboutjazz.com. Since this initial review, writers Jim Santella, Mark F. Turner, and most recently, Woodrow Wilkins Jr. have chosen to write about the recording for the same site. It is very rare to see this kind of energy expended on a single CD. But, I am most grateful.
And, to acknowledge ESC Records' recent European release of "GOT MY MENTAL" John Kelman also wrote a wonderful review of the recording from '96, which served as the groundbreaker for the trio with Patitucci and DeJohnette. This kind of critical support is always very much appreciated, though never expected.
- There is probably no music writer who seems to connect better with Steve's recorded work than Josef Woodard! Now, you can read his very thoughtful and heartfelt review of the new recording, which is currently in print and on the stands in the June '06 issue of
JAZZIZ. Thanks so much to Josef Woodard and to the magazine for this great tribute.
- Just recently, there was a terrific review from noted Jazz writer, Peter Watrous, and you can read what he wrote about the new recording at one of my favorite sites for hunting down everything that's wonderful in Latin music, Bruce Polin's fantastic
Descarga.com. It is an honor to have been mentioned there again. Thanks so much to both Peter and Bruce!!!
- In the soon-to-be published 2009 issues of the web-magazine, "Improvisation Nation" the 2005 release, "THE GREEN FIELD" was honored with yet another wonderful review by Dick Metcalf. Early or late, it's wonderful that this recording has been recognized.
"THE GREEN FIELD": This 2005 CD is the last we received in a batch from Steve - the others have been reviewed over the last 3 issues, all with more than favorable ratings....the others seemed to have more original comps (4 of the 9 tracks on this album were Khan originals), but Steve & his partners John Patitucci (acoustic bass), Jack DeJohnette (drums) & Manolo Badrena (percussion), along with Ralph Irizarry (timbal) & Roberto Quintero (conga, percussion) also play some killer renditions of tunes by: Ornette Coleman, Herbie Hancock, Wayne Shorter & (even) Thelonious Monk. Steve & crew are among the most accomplished jazz players I've ever listened to, and have a distinctive style all their own....Steve's playing is fluid, and often leads the listener into territory they have never experienced before. If you are looking for guitar-based jazz that has real "meat on its bones," subtle shadings & NO fluff, you will need to have this wonderful 2005 release. One of the liveliest pieces is Herbie's "Riot"....every player is engaged, particularly at about 3:56, & they'll have your mind dancing! It's the title track (one of the Khan original compositions) that I imagine will be everyone's favorite, though....it certainly was mine....strong drum & percussion introduction, with signature lead popping in from Khan at about 1:25... Steve is an absolute wizard at showing you what the intent of the thought behind the piece is, and you will be immediately enchanted by this classic piece of jazz. I give it our MOST HIGHLY RECOMMENDED rating, along with the "PICK" of this issue for "best guitar-based jazz." Rotcod Zzaj
- I was just sent a copy Rafael Vega Curry's review, in Spanish of course, which appeared in the May 7th issue of "Revista Domingo" from "EL NUEVO DÍA" newspaper in Puerto Rico.
Recently, "Ragui" conducted a promotional CD giveaway, offering copies to the first 20 people who wrote in to the newspaper. Suprisingly, he received some 182 e-mails, so Steve graciously added another 30 CDs so that a total of 50 people could receive copies of the new recording.
So, for all our Spanish speaking visitors, this was something we wanted to share with you.
Quienes gustamos de la música de Steve Khan estamos de plácemes con el estreno de esta grabación, su primera en casi diez años (la anterior fue "GOT MY MENTAL", de 1997). Como en ese disco, Khan emplea aquí el insuperable acompañamiento de John Patitucci en el bajo acústico y Jack DeJohnette en la batería, así como un percusionista adicional - en este caso, el puertorriqueño Manolo Badrena. Y como de costumbre, se destaca el sonido líquido de su guitarra, parecido al de John Scofield pero con menos 'mordida,' instantáneamente identificable. Casi la mitad de los temas tienen ritmos latinos, como "You Stepped Out of a Dream" - transformado en una salsita - y "Cosecha lo que has sembrado" - con buenos solos de Ralph Irizarry en timbales y DeJohnette en la batería. Consulte el sitio www.allaboutjazz.com, en la sección "More Articles", para leer un extenso comentario del propio Khan sobre "THE GREEN FIELD."
I would also like to thank DJs Josué Navarro and José Vélez for presenting the new CD to the listeners from "La Isla del Encanto."
- And speaking of Josué Navarro, he just sent me his review, in Spanish of course, which appeared in the March 23rd-29th issue of "EL TODO" also from Puerto Rico. So again, for all our Spanish speaking visitors, we would like to share his very generous words with you.
The headline for the review was: "Steve Khan: un guitarrista sin precedente"
Con una trayectoria musical de más 30 de años, el guitarrista Steve Khan lanza su más reciente producción titulada "THE GREEN FIELD", para el sello Tone Center. Este CD contiene más de 77-minutos de música variada que llenará todas las expectativas de buen Jazz. Khan, considerado uno de los mejores 22 guitarristas de todos los tiempos por la revista "JAZZ LIFE" de Japón es acompañado en esta producción por John Patitucci, uno de los mejores bajistas del mundo, el famoso baterista Jack DeJohnette y como invitados especiales los percusionistas puertorriqueños Ralph Irizarry y Manolo Badrena y el también percusionista venezolano Roberto Quintero.
Los que disfrutan del Jazz tradicional encontrarán un oasis en las melodías "El Viñón", dedicada al baterista Elvin Jones, "Congeniality", "Fist in Glove" y "Eronel." Los amantes del Jazz Latino podrán espaciarse en la pieza "Riot" composición de Herbie Hancock, "Cosecha lo que has sembrado" dedicado a la memoria de Tito Puente y Willie Bobo, "Sanctuary"/"Nefertiti", "You Stepped Out of a Dream" y la pieza que le dio título a la producción "The Green Field" la cual es deleite escucharla.
Khan, quien comenzó como baterista se gradúa en 1969 de la Universidad de U.C.L.A. en California e influenciado por el guitarrista Wes Montgomery, se muda a la meca del Jazz: la ciudad de Nueva York. Ahí comienza la carrera musical de este maravilloso guitarrista que ha hecho más de 20 producciónes como líder y ha participado en cientos de grabaciones e incluyendo el grupo Caribbean Jazz Project en donde fue parte integral con Dave Samuels, Dave Valentín entre otros muchos.
Para más información puedes visitar la página www.stevekhan.com y para escuchar buena música visita mundojazzpr.com.
Again, thanks so much to Josué Navarro for his very kind words regarding the recording and here's hoping that everyone in "La Isla del Encanto" is enjoying it.