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Dear Steve, I wanted to write and thank you for your "WES MONTGOMERY GUITAR FOLIO" transcriptions. It's really good. I especially appreciate you not providing TAB, as I don't play guitar in a standard tuning. My test of the material was to match your excellent take on "Mr. Walker" with what I had come up with about 15 years ago. I learned a lot comparing them side by side. Thank you! Best, Ned
Ned Boynton
San Francisco, CA USA - Monday, March 24, 2025 at 17:20:07 (EDT)
Steve... Your music, your character, and your articulate expression of what the sane fraction of this country is feeling gives me hope and something to help mitigate the feelings of despair. I know that every time I play hockey, someone out there pays for my frustration (no intent to injure). I imagine you must be as disappointed as I am in Gretzky and Orr supporting that miscreant. Thanks for the musical inspiration and for giving our feelings a voice! I'd love to hear Rhiannon Giddens take on Orange Hitler!
Joel Blacher
Marietta, GA USA - Tuesday, March 18, 2025 at 12:40:48 (EDT)
Hello Mr. Khan: Nice to meet you. I'm a jazz guitar student from Argentina. Thanks to your site, I discovered Laura Fygi's "Sabor a Mi" and the wonderful solo by Leo Amuedo, which I'm studying with your transcription. I'm amazed of the wonderful chords that the arranger, Jurre Haanstra heard in such a simple tune. I tried to learn, with no success the chord of the Intro: would you be so kind to help me with those chords? I want to take advantage of the occasion to greet you and thank for your music and educational material, which I know. Receive my best wishes.
Roberto Márquez
Buenos Aires, Argentina - Sunday, March 16, 2025 at 15:31:23 (EDT)
Hi Steve, I am listening to your "EVIDENCE" recording. Wow, it is great to revisit this masterpiece years after I was really into playing it!
You add really tasteful effects, and overdubs that enhance the playing. Along with great arrangements and playing of these challenging and great
tunes. I bet a lot of your skill at these things was from all the studio work you did? It must have taken a lot of time to make such a great solo record. I am especially interested in how you created the effects on "In a Silent Way."
Another example is what I hear as impossible staccato closed voicings on "Little Rootie Tootie" with some interesting effect. Thanks for creating such an enduring masterpiece!
John Rembetski
Albuquerque, NM USA - Wednesday, February 26, 2025 at 07:56:50 (EST)
Hello. Any tour for 2025? Thank you
Behzad Vesalpour
Beaverton, OR USA - Thursday, February 13, 2025 at 20:07:52 (EST)
Hi Steve, Trump! Another 4 years. I wish you luck.
Peter Kemper
Almere, Netherlands - Monday, January 20, 2025 at 08:19:37 (EST)
Happy New Year Steve! Thanks for all you do.
Dane Clarke
Sicklerville, NJ USA - Saturday, January 04, 2025 at 08:19:37 (EST)